A Conservative View

The Culture War - Part 4

I find it interesting that people who claim to “follow the science” on subjects like global warming and evolution deny science when it comes to biology. They deny millennia of evidence that there are only two genders. It is so bad that they can’t define what a woman is and don’t know which public restroom to use.

The technical term is gender dysphoria. Biology gives us data that there are two genders, dependent on whether one has “XX” or “XY” chromosomes for their 23rd pair. They will make the argument that sex is biologically determined but gender is sociologically determined. To deny facts and create one’s own reality is an option. You can believe what you want to. But demanding that others support them in their delusion to the point of affirming a lie is normal and acceptable is simply hubris.

This is another area where people were warned of a “slippery slope” which was denied by the advocates. Marriage was redefined from one man and one woman in a covenant relationship and currently includes the civil partnership of homosexuals. People mocked and laughed at the old-time preachers who warned that it wouldn’t stop there. But since then, we have witnessed “open” relationships, multiple wives, and multiple husbands, even people getting married to themselves or their pets. And then someone decides that if they just claim to be the opposite sex, they can reap benefits from that. People deny who and what they are andare simply being irrational. Theybelieve ina fantasy, and wanting to have it celebrated,attempt to persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with their delusion.

Religiously, two of the three monotheistic religions historically adhere to the Pentateuch (first five books of the Old Testament for you Protestants) and its declaration that marriage is one man and one woman as instituted by God. I’ve heard people claim that Jesus didn’t say anything about homosexuality. Apparently, they are unaware that He reaffirmed that marriage is between one man and one woman. Here in the western world, homosexuality is tolerated. In many Islamic countries, homosexuals are executed.

Transgenderism wants the same civil acceptance homosexuality currently has. Interestingly, if gender is as fluid as is claimed, then there is no such thing as feminism. Don’t like what you are; claim to be a man. Imagine telling a homosexual couple that it doesn’t matter what your biological sex is, one of you is male and the other female. Have you listened to people claim that men can have periods and get pregnant?How does that make sense?

If someone wants to proudly claim they are a trans-whatever then I say good for them. They are embracing their dysphoria and acknowledging their journey from what they were born as to what they want to be. But to claim one gender and not have it match your biology without acknowledging the journey is just a fantasy. However, there is one thing all transgender people must acknowledge. After you die and are buried, should your body be exhumed and tests run on it, your DNA will tell people the truth of what you were, no matter what you claimed in life.

You can live your life as you wish according to your beliefs. You have that freedom. Just don’t infringe on the freedom of others to disagree.As for redefining words to use as pronouns or creating new words, that is simply tyranny. Anyone out there would be offended if I tried to force my beliefs and language use on them. Quite simply, don’t try to force yours on anyone else. And should someone wish to disagree with me, you have that freedom. Just keep it to the facts. Should you start disparaging me (calling me name or assassinating my character) or that of anyone else for that matter, then you will have lost your argument. It is called an ad hominin and it is a logical fallacy.It literally means a personal attack and is used because youcan’t attack the facts. It would be a clear admission that you have lost your argument.

A fewquestions about argumentation: When did arguments move from calmly presenting facts and discussing what they mean to shouting matches where it is perceived that whoever is the loudest, talks the fastest, is rudest and most disrespectful wins? Further, when did short “sound bites” replace facts as points of argumentation? Does it even matter that many of the sound bites used are logical fallacies that just sound good to one’s personal biases?Why do people feel bald assertions have no need for facts to back them up? I guess if the truth doesn’t comport with one’s belief, it is simply dismissed. Apparently, feelings trump absolute truth (but that may be another column).

But people won’t hear sound doctrine, heaping to themselves teachers that scratch their itching ears, and every man did what he felt was right in his heart for there was no king (no one trusting the government) and everyone believed themselves to be a god instead of acknowledging their Creator, from whom our liberties and rights flow.

Believe as you wish. Be careful who you try to force to believe as you do. You might get mugged by an ugly gang of facts. That would be sure to hurt your feelings.

Going forward with my columns, I have plans to discuss why incorporating a church is a bad idea and the history of marriage (a multi-part series). You can contact me if you have a subject that you’d like to see a conservative view about.