Dumbarss Blotter
William Donald Heath Jr

William Donald Heath Jr

   Read this complaint and see if you don't agree, dumb dumb and dumb as a rock.On TV, in movies, the bad guy does his job and then tries to hide out, sneak away, or otherwise cover his tracks. It makes sense to be opaque. Right?
  The correct answer is Nope, not in the Land of Little.
Felony 14 goes to William Donald Heath Jr (DOB 10-10-1980). He hails from our Southern border colony, Clendenin.  The arrest  and criminal complaint comes from Green Shirt R  E Wiseman. Heath is charged with possession with intent to deliver, person prohibited from possessing a firearm x 2, driving revoked, and defective equipment.
  Here's the edited version of the complaint: Around 2:30 pm on March 7th Wiseman was tooling around the county on road patrol. He saw, heard a blue Jeep Liberty coming down Glen Road with a loud exhaust and a bad sticker.
 Dumb 1 on the front seat was  a pistol and long gun.
 Dumb 2 In plain sight were  multiple smoking devices.
 Dumb 3  A bottle of white stuff, Meth and scales
 During a search of the Jeep, Wiseman found 3 ounces of Meth and a big wad of cash.
 Not knowing when to keep his pie hole shut, Heath volunteered, he was heading to Charleston to meet his drug dealer.
  Mr Heath was convicted DUI on 1-25-2006.
  This guy deserves to be arrested and jailed on principle of, he's too dumb to walk the streets of even Clayberry.