The Story of Joe
May 2 2022



Joe Paxton left and Dave Mullins right

  Beginning on Sunday April 24th we starting posting on allegations forming against School Superintendent Joe Paxton which relate to the Jan 29th School Excess Levy vote in County Clay.
  Because we stack each day's post, it sometimes gets confusing to keep up and that's confusing to even us.
  Down below are the posts relating to Pretty Boy Paxton from start to date in chronological order. This arraignment should be a little easier to understand. Below those posts are our latest comments, twists, and the like.

   Our opening volley: April 24 p Back in February, we broke the stories on something wrong with the Jan 29th School Excess Levy election

April 24 p The talk was, the way we understand it, the Pentagon had been viewing school security camera footage after the vote to determine who had voted at each of the Clayberry school polling places. The idea was to see who voted and then call each voter before the next Excess Levy Election attempt.
April 24 p Just a little bit later, second week in February, word came on the arm twisting of poll workers.. once again by the Pentagon. Get it? The Pentagon was peed big time that they had lost the gravy money and they had to get even. Pay backs are H in Clayberry.
April 24 p Since early Feb., we haven't heard any new stuff . That was until Friday April 22nd.
April 24 p In this one horse town, news travels fast. On Friday a stranger was at the Courthouse. A guy none of the locals recognized. Later he was seen over at the Two Run Diner.
April 24 p Who was he and what was he doing here in the Land of Little?
April 24 p We think that lad was investigating those reports of voting abuse by the Pentagon from back in February.
April 24 p Putting two and three together and coming up with six, here's our speculation.
April 24 p Just guesses mind ya but the guy may have been an investigator from down in Charleston. Since the Courthouse is election central for local voting info, the guy might have been scooping up the poll worker arm twisting angle.
April 24 p  Maybe because we're gullible but it sure sounds like those early transgression stories are being followed up by the Suits and rightly so.
April 24 p While we'd love to point the finger at our dear wittle best buddy, Dave Mullins, but, it's always the top dog that gets his winky in the wringer. Dave Mullins is a pee ant in the cogs of the Pentagon.
April 24 p That top dog is none other than School Superintendent Joe Paxton.
April 24 p We think Pretty Boy Paxton is the target of an investigation on collecting voter info and or  the intimidation of at least a few poll workers, or something even worser.
April 24 p All that behind the scenes stuff is kept away from taxpayers with nothing public until an indictment is released.
April 24 p Threatening a poll worker would be a criminal charge. That's just not tolerated. Period.
April 24 P  As best we can tell, we think we have our story close to what's going on behind the scenes.
April 24 p Keep in mind, an investigation would begin with a "target of investigation" notice.
April 24 p An investigation means nothing more than State investigators are following up on voter complaints. An investigation means nothing else unless it turns into an indictment.
April 24 p OK clickers. If you have more info, seen something, please let us know.If you captured a pic of the investigator, email it over too.

    OK, that was it for the first week of speculation. In the way of new stuff, say an update, we're holding off until after the May 10th Election.
   Of course we can still wonder out loud. Like, wanting that excess levy $$$ in the worst way, how much did Sch Bd Prez Dave Mullins know about the back door stories. Did Paxton run his intentions in front of Dave before hand? Or maybe the other way around. Did Dave Mullins come up with the arm twisting stuff and inform Paxton to get him in gear? 
  We don't know and may never know unless all these stories get in front of  a Judge.