Get Out the Crisco
Commission Meets
May 12 2021

   Everything in the State are governed by State Code. Even in plain black and white, laws can be a head scratcher. For County Commissions and other govt agencies, the West Virginia Ethics Commission provides written opinions on what they can and can't do. When an agency asked for an opinion and then follows that guidance, they are guaranteed complete immunity from any lawsuit. True what's issued is an "opinion" but that part about not going to jail of some big fine, that's important.
   Keep all that info on your mind for a few paragraphs.

  County Commission held their first meeting of the month on May 12th beginning at 10am. Normally, just a couple people are in the peanut gallery for the public meeting. When a big bunch shows up, that means something is up, For this gathering upwards of 25 folks were on hand. Leading up to the 10am start time, the place was a buzz with chatter, story telling, and other banter.
  Terry Martin serves as the CCC middle man for govt grants and other funds. Mr Martin explained to the three commissioner, there's a new pot of $250K that could be used to do some work on the Judicial Annex building beside the Courthouse. Those $$ can be used to design the build out. Everyone seemed excited to hear about the new loot.
  Six weeks back, word spread that the Commission would be receiving $1.6M from Joe Biden's New Deal. Since then, all kind of ideas have been batted around on how to waste, I mean, use the new funds. Commissioner King told the crowd, she would like to use those dollars for wawa extensions of at least upgrades. With no official guidance from Washington, Terry Martin was unable to answer Fran's question.
  Mention was made of upcoming meetings where spending details will be announced.
  Martin brought some more good news. For over 20 years, the Nebo end of the county has been crying for potable wawa, clean and plentiful wet stuff. Over the year many applications for funding have been submitted to the Big Suits. To date, no effort has been successful. All along the residents continue to use frog pee.
  For this meeting, Mr Martin told the CCC, there's no pot of $$$ available and this Fed program (Disaster Recovery) makes applying much simpler and quicker. All ears perked right up.  With thumbs up, Martin will discontinue the old application and get this new funding method up and running.
  Govt dollars don't go very far. Much of the time, the Feds require all the people with letters after their names, those folks make out very well. Once those people are paid, little is left for the real need.
  A couple years back, Clayberry received $150,000 to get started on new broadband services. There's been a bunch of studies and even more talk over the years. Item 13 on this meeting was to spend $15,134.00 for further design work on the broadband effort
  The biggy for this meeting was a vote to double 911 fees found on county landlines. The idea to  double the fees and add to the $1.3+ million already setting in some bank account.
  The initiative applies to every tele line, around 2500 or so in County Clay. IF you have a couple land lines, each will see the increase. If you have a separate land line for say a FAX machine, yelp, there's a bunch more going into the bursting at the seams 911 account.
   The big crowd on hand was made up mostly made up, by govt workers like ambulance personal , dispatchers, and others directly involved with emergency service, a vested interest. Those were all in favor of breaking it off in the citizenry with using any Crisco.
  However, there were a few in the peanut gallery and one via a text message, who spoke against the money grab.
  One guy questioned the fee increase because the current landlines are so pitiful,  you can't even use em in case of an emergency. The lady on the text message plead with the CCC not to increase the fees citing, she was raising a bunch of kids and she just couldn't afford ANY increased ANYTHING.
  A bald headed guy spoke out on the motion to increase has to be legal or it doesn't count. With the motion calling to add the 911 fee on digital services and voice over the internet tele services, he said those cannot be addressed because, as internet services, they are not regulated by the W Va Public Service Commission. The guy asked that the motion be tabled until those references are deleted.

 The Commission seemed to agree with the lardy guy but instead of tabling the "we want more now" motion, they simply struck that part out.
  From questions and answers up front, it was obvious, the CCC had no idea, project, or plan in mind that needed additional funds. They were shooting the dark with their money grab idea.
  Again, from the peanut gallery, a guy came up with: if the 911 system is so crappy, why haven't you used that $1m nest egg, and made improvements; he asked about "trust" for the CCC and why would you ask taxpayers to pay more without a clear game plan.
  Commissioners Schoolcraft, King, and Kinder had no explanations other than, "We Want More!"
  And then And then... it came out, they want to build a whole new facility at a location higher up on a mountain. New building, 911 consoles, wiring and everything else.
  Let's deviate for a few....
  The idea of changing away from old low band radio frequencies came up during Sheriff Harald Fields time in office. During those meetings, Fields made it clear, the planned high frequency radio system will NOT work in a mountainous area. He told those that would listen, high frequency radios only work great on flat ground where there is a flat line of sight. He worried , the new high frequency radios would leave his Deputies without good communications just when they needed it the most.
  Back during that decision making making process, DNR Communication Specialist, Hal Dillon confirmed the problem with high frequency radios.
  Others in the peanut gallery back then showed coverage areas and the number of blank service areas even if there were three towers in the county.
  County Commission would not listen to the experts. They only listened to sale rep from Motorola and tossed the rest aside.
   The high band equipment was purchased. Today we're using those same frequencies and today, as predicted by the experts, they don't work just when we need em to.  Maybe if there were a dozen radio towers around the county, maybe then, a high frequency network might work.
  It leaked out during this meeting, our newbee Commissioner, Dave Schoolcraft, is in favor of moving the 911 center to a new location, a location high up on a mountain top in an effort to make the towers and radios work better. Once again, he's coming up with a work around for a faulty radio system. High atop anything is not needed. Instead, proper studio transmitter links (STL) do the job from a far.
  OK, at 10:26am, all three Commissioners voted to go down the lane of doubling 911 fees to $4 per month on each and every landline in the county. As for better communications as a result of the increase, it isn't possible. Period.
  Now, let's talk about a work around and the 911 fee. Since the beginning of time, that fee has been voluntary. That's right, by going in or calling the County Clerk's office, you can fill out a short form saying, don't add the $4 on my monthly phone bill. Commissioner King assured the crowd during this meeting, it would remain a voluntary assessment.
  Or, you've seen ads for Magic Jack telephony service. There are other brands on the market. Magic Jack does not collect the 911 fee nor are you required to pay it. If your DSL internet service is at least 8 mbps down, they work great. Best of all, Magic Jack is only $40 per year last time we checked. Note: if you have a land line number you've had for decades, you can transfer that number to the Magic Jack service.  That cost, one time cost, is right at $20.
   Since Fran King is the Prez of the County Commission, the leader of the pack, the monkey, all of it, is on her back.
  Finally, just for shirts and giggles, this.
  In private business, employees are profit centers. If you make $$$ for the boss, you get to keep your job.     In Government, employees are spending centers. For Govt, there is no enticement to save money. Instead, if a Govt agency doesn't spend every budgeted penny, it's taken away from em.
  From Cicero: The administration of government, like a guardianship, ought to be directed  to the good of those who confer, not to those who receive the trust.

Beverly King, left, is retiring after 25 years of service

  County Clay received a $25K grant from Case Equipment. The grant covers the cost of renting any of their equipment. The heavy equipment could be used for about anything like diggin out stumps at Spread Park of cleaning up the creek there which dumps into the Elk ... improving the river access point behind the Courthouse.... fixing the sewer system at the old Nutritional Center in Two Run....
   Solid Waste Authority applied for a $25K grant to resume having Recycling Day events this year.
   The Legislature is providing $10K to fix up the Clay pool and pay JB Butcher (pool manager) for his work last year during the pandemic days.
  CAEZ Rep Gary Stuber's report included, that agency has received a $125K offer to purchase the old Valley Fork Grade School (buildings and 3.2 acres) from the CAEZ which has countered with a $150K demand.