Delta Communication LLC is a privately held, minority controlled, company doing business in beautiful Clay County, West Virginia, USA. Delta publishes the county's only locally owned and operated newspaper, The Communicator. We feature all the news and views associated with  Clayberry as we call the place.  Website www.clayberry.org,  is the unoffical world wide online guide for information about our end of the world. Delta also provides web advertising.commercial printing services and an office supply center to the region.We're located at 2278 Main Street in the upperclass section of Clay in Two Run.
    Principal partner: Andy Waddell. Editor Emeritus, Terri Kerns

 Terri                                                                      AW


    The Communicator is Clay County's in depth source for news and views and a whole lot more. Been away from home for several years? Still interested in: property transfers, divorces,  marriages, deaths, divorces, what's going on in Magistrate Court, and complete coverage of our dumb bunny politiciams?  The Communicator is for you! Annual Prescriptions as they are called around these parts,  are $23.32 in county, $29.68 out of county, and $31.80 out of state. Send you check or money order to Delta;  2278 Main Street; Clay, West Virginia 25043

For quick response, you can e mail us:

  Snail Mail:
2278 Main Street
Clay West Virginia 25043

To order your Rx online, it's easy.
Just click the PayPal button


304 587-6007

Christmas Open House Dec 19 2012





New Communicator digs Oct 15 2007

Open House Celebration Oct 31, 2007