AUGUST 21, 2003
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Town Gets Cool $1 Million
Patriotism Isn’t… By Jim Chafin
Brother Bill
Widen News By Darlene Rogers

Town Gets Cool $1 Million
        It’s not every day of the week that Clay Town Council gets to vote to receive $1 million in grant dollars. Grant dollars. That’s money you don’t have to pay back! That’s exactly what happened August 19 during a special council meeting held at the water plant office on Main Street. Present for the hearing: Mayor Jarrett, Recorder Dwana Murphy, and council persons Zegeer, Morris, Betty Murphy along with two in the peanut gallery. Sally Legg and Frank Childers were absent from action.
        In April 1996, the Town of Clay was funded $3,425,000.00 to build a regional water plant to serve Clay and Roane Counties. The regional idea was the brain child of Bobby Lewis and Jim Anderson of the USDA according to Angela Negley of the WV Development Office. After years of debate, argument, and 7 changes of mayoral leadership, $2.175 million was pulled from the project. The county was told the pulled money was taken and spent elsewhere in the state. Of the 1.25 million left in the project, Chapman Technical was paid over $200,000 for engineering work on the regional water plant efforts. The $1 million is what Council has to deal with during this proceeding.
        On the 19th, Ms Negley along with Engineer Jim Hildruth spoke. The purpose of the special hearing was to gather public input into changing the scope of the project since only 1/3 of the original dollars remain. Remember the public hearing part readers. Negley, We want to work with all of you. Hildruth gave some background details. Stuff like: originally there was to be a regional plant built, a new 250,000 storage tank, and new water line upgrades (8 inch) to the Maysel booster station among other things.
        As for the change of scope, Hildruth explained, no water plant could be built with the remaining $1m but much in the way of water distribution upgrades could be accomplished. Hildruth advised the local leaders to instead: build a new 50,000 storage tank at the upper Maysel site, improve the booster pump, install 8 inch lines to feed the new additions as well as replace master meters for wholesale customers. A hand went up from the peanut gallery. Mayor ‘King’ Arthur Jarrett chose not to allow a question to come from the public during the public hearing.
        Council sat quietly. They listened. It appeared that Betty Murphy, Phil Morris, Billie Jean Zegeer, and Recorder Dwana Murphy liked what they were hearing. Heads nodded as Hildruth and Negley spoke. It also appeared that Council was confident in Hildruth’s remarks which is quite different from previous engineers, engineering plans, and the aluminum siding salesman from the WV PSC in Charleston. Here’s an interesting part, readers. That part about buying new wholesale water meters? According to Hildruth and town maintenance man Terry Traub, the existing meters are of a type that can allow water to pass through during low flow times WITHOUT being accounted for. Hildruth said the amount could be significant! Negley enlightened the crowd, We want you to have a project…. Do you want to make something [happen]….. We don’t like to take money back..
        Of the $200,000 already spent on engineering for a regional plant, both Hildruth and Negley felt some of the plans could be used elsewhere and the money used would not be a total loss. Again a hand went up from the public and again Jarrett glanced away.
        Do any readers remember when the Charleston big boys told our quarreling Council NOT ANOTHER DIME WILL COME INTO CLAY!!! How about when the money man Randy Plum told a group he had all the money he needed to build around the town and leave them high and dry? Or how about when we were told, unless the June 2003 election goes to suit them (the Charleston gang), no money will be sent to Clayberry?
                        Continued on Page 3
         That seems to have changed. According to Ms Negley, the folks that have to OK the new plans, the WV Health Dept, are OK with new leadership and the stability of the Town. Yep, one more time, a hand came forward and you guessed it, Jarrett denied the public a chance to question or comment. Engineer Hildruth revealed some interesting personal thoughts. Hildruth said that the old plan had good intentions but money could be had cheaper now a days if requests were made through set aside dollars earmarked for enterprise communities, AKA Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone, CAEZ. Hildruth expressed a view that the old plan to build the high dollar regional plant (producing 1400 gallons per minute of treated water) was probably not do-able for the $3 million available.
         Translation from this reporter: Early attempts to sell the Council plans to build the debt ridden plant were bunk, snake oil, or something along those lines. If Council had gone along with the earlier, best, then bester, then bestest yet plan three years ago, Council would have a water plant they couldn’t afford as well as a sewer plant they can’t afford.
         Ms Negley told Council they needed to decide how they intended to spend the grant dollars, pass a Citizen Participation Plan for this and future projects, and get the ball rolling now!
         With the new game plan on the table and with it in Councils’ hands for a vote, this ace cub reporter blurted out: What is this meeting, is this a public hearing? With the response from Negley in the affirmative as to this being a public hearing, the ace cub reporter asked Mayor Jarrett: If this is a public hearing, how come when the public wanted to ask a question three times, he chose not to allow it? Jarrett responded he would allow such when he got good and d*** ready! The reporter asked and was assured the entire 1 million was grant money with no pay back requirements.
         Negley set a timeline for the change of scope when acted on by Clay Town Council. According to Negley, the new project could begin next spring and should be completed 180 days after start of construction. With her mission completed Negley left the hearing.
         Around 4:07 with the less than public hearing completed, Council met and voted to implement the Citizen Participation Plan unanimously. With Hildruth still on hand, discussion started on the existing water plant, what happened to the money that was taken from the Town to build a new plant, and how money is really needed for the county in the future. The answers were revealing.        
         After years of fighting and hard feelings over building a colossal regional plant which many felt would raise water rates too high for most to be able to afford, Hildruth , I think the existing plant can be upgraded. He went on to say: to meet our needs over the next 20 years or so, the county needed a plant that could treat around 750 gallons per hour; by using empowerment zone funds, a better deal could be had for future projects; the state health dept is cool with the Town being in the water business; it may be a better idea to upgrade the current plant; and in the future, tougher water treatment standards would make it harder for small operations like Clay to stay in business; and, if you want enterprise community funds, you have to hurry, no funds would be available after June 2003.         Continued on page 4
         Council listened intently. Of course getting $1 million bucks is always good, there was more main item provided Council and the public Aug 19th. Remember back when the county was told the money had been pulled for a new water plant and the money had been spent elsewhere? Not so according to engineer Jim Hildruth. Those pulled funds are available… they could fund a project for you! He also said, with the funds available to the county, who ever applies for them first would get into the water business.
         Starting to become clearer readers? Remember all the times Clay County PSD Chair Keith King has been asked about their plans to build a plant and all the times he has retorted, he didn’t know anything about the feasibility study in progress? How about the side bar discussions at Clay Roane PSD over building a new water plant to replace the Procious facility? Maybe we now know why all was being kept from the public… it’s a race to see who can come up with a plan first! The first completed plan grabs the money and away they go. Clay County PSD and Clay Roane PSD already have some of the highest water rates in the state and already (before any new construction gets involved) 20% higher than WV American Water Company based in Charleston. So much for the soapbox .
         Clay Town Council voted ‘Aye’ on the change of scope and are now poised to receive the free money, that’s the best kind, to improve water distribution and storage facilities. The project cost sheet is included with this article. AND, it appears Council is in agreement to stay in the water making business and ask for lower interest rate federal dollars to upgrade the local water plant. It’s a new day, Clay.                         AW
         FOLLOW UPS
                 Our lead story last edition dealt with Clay Mayor Arthur Jarrett letting go Town Chief of Police Buckshot Butcher. Jarrett said he had to let him go during an August 7th interview. Our headline read, ‘Town Cop Fired.’
         Butcher is now back on the job. As a matter of fact, just two days after the last publication, Butcher was seen in uniform and with blue lights flashing. That was Sunday August 10th at 5 pm. What happened? How did the Chief get the job back? Remember, Jarrett commented that the next officer he hired would be trained and certified. According to state code, the only position a mayor can fill is the Chief of Police title.
         Jarrett wasn’t too talky Thursday, Aug 21 when we sought answers. Even before a question could be asked, Jarrett, .. it’s none of your d*** business. When asked if Buckshot was back on the job Jarrett responded something along the lines of, Go ask Buckshot! As for the part about hiring a trained officer when replacing Butcher, Jarrett explained Mr. Butcher was probably more trained than the Sheriff.
         So what happened? Here’s the way we put it together, readers. During last week’s Business Development Authority meeting, as people were joking around and as Jarrett was being razzed by fellow Boardsters over hiring a buddy, hiring an untrained person to be a policeman, and over making front page mention in this rag, Jarrett responded with: You keep giving me grief and I’ll put him back on if I have to pay him out of my own pocket!
         We think Jarrett did just that. Before being fired three weeks ago, Butcher was a volunteer and received no pay or benefits for his service although the Town covered the cost of his uniform, badge, and supplies. To see if Chief of Police Butcher is now a paid employee of the town or receiving benefits, we attempted to contact Town Recorder Dwana Murphy who was unavailable for comment Thursday August 21st. We spoke with Council Person Betty Murphy who said she was unaware of any budget change that would allow for a paid police officer in the municipality.
         Patriotism Isn’t… By Jim Chafin
                 It was 2AM Saturday morning. I was wide-awake, lying on my bed near a window that afforded an unobstructed view of the road that winds past my house. For several weeks now a shiny new car has been traversing the narrow country roadway that runs through the small community where my family and I reside. It happens like clockwork, at about 2:10 each weekend night, the same car appears suddenly, it’s lights on high beam, cruising very slowly as if looking for something or someone. As I saw the lights of the car coming around the curve about a hundred yards away, I arose quickly and went to the front porch for a closer look at the vehicle. As I stood on my porch the car made three runs past my property, and on the third pass it went up the road about 100 yards, turned around and stopped. The lights went out and two males stepped out onto the highway. They walked back towards my house but stepped out of the road onto the property of a neighbor across the road. As they did that I called to them in a loud voice, Hey, what are you guys doing over there? Upon hearing my voice they proceeded to retreat back to the point where their car was parked – one broke into a fast trot, while the other one walked very slowly, yelling back at me, It’s none of your damn business what we’re doing. At this time I took my trusty flashlight and walked to the end of my driveway to wait for them to pass my house again. Sure enough, the engine started, the lights came on, and I could hear the car being put into gear. I turned on the flashlight and proceeded to flag them down as they moved slowly towards me. Stop the car, I shouted, and the car came to a stop just a few feet from where I stood. Down came the window on the passenger side and once again the same voice said, It’s none of your damn business as to what we’re doing here. This is a public highway. So, in my most authoritative voice, I told those two, Don’t come back up here again or you’ll have trouble. At that, the car sped away at high speed. The story goes on to a chance encounter the next day, the contents of which we will not have time to disclose, but, suffice it to be said, those two were not seen in that neighborhood again.
                 It was community knowledge that the house across the road was occupied by a known dope dealer, who was out of town that weekend, and those boys were simply availing themselves of an opportunity to get a free fix. But their presence was just another incident in middle America that has blown into a full fledged battle between the forces of evil and those who would like to be able to enjoy their labors by living peacefully in their neighborhood.
                 Today, that battle has erupted into war status. With hundreds of substances being pandered about the street scene is transformed into an ugly, mind-bending mass of human degradation. Forty-five years ago I heard about government efforts to control what was then a generation of ‘lost souls’ who were on an endless treadmill of addiction, hospitalization, more addiction, and still more medical treatment. Even then we heard of methadone clinics, established, it was said, to ease people off the hard stuff. Today such clinics are spread out over the landscape like candy stores, and still the problems stemming from abuse of drugs keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Methadone kills more than Oxy, the headlines trumpet. Oxycontin, a highly effective painkiller, we are told is being abused now more than any other in West Virginia, Kentucky, and other southeastern regions. And deaths are counted in the hundreds. God, this (methadone) is worse than Oxycontin ever dreamed of being, said C.J. Smothers of the Southern Regional Drug and Violent Crime Task Force. Since 2001 seven for-profit methadone clinics have been established across this state. Methadone, which is merely a synthetic opiate (emulates the real thing) which is just as addictive as heroin or Oxycontin, is probably worse because once the manufacture of such substances are licensed to private industry we can be assured that the supply will continue to grow. Unless those who use it come to their senses and realize that, once again, some folks are becoming wealthy on the misery of others. If YOU are reading this, and you are one of those who are being used in this game of big fish eating little fish, then a step back to view the situation and all that it portends for you as a citizen of this nation and the welfare of our social system as a whole is in order. History shows that great societies usually fall of their own weight – from within – not from some perceived threat from the outside. Drunkenness (of whatever substance) is not patriotism!
         DON GREENE: WV Radical
                 I had that question asked of me when we were up to Clay for the Ramp Festival in Bomont. I didn't hesitate. I'm against lying, stealing, hypocrisy in all forms and deceptions thrown upon the public by our elected, appointed and hired officials. I'm against a government that claims to be helping when it isn't, against using public money to build political kingdoms and against going through the motions but not producing a thing.
                 I am against non-union employers and especially if they are dog and pony shows arranged by our own government. I'm against an economy that is running away so fast that we now live like third world nations did in my youth. I'm against an economy that is so expensive that it takes two working just to live in a modest lifestyle. I'm against children being raised by daycare centers by who knows who. I'm against people taking public money to do a job (and that is all any office is) but failing to do that job.
                 I am against sneakiness, behind-the-door meetings and pre-arranged public forums. I am against constantly raising taxes in some way or the other, just to continually raise the wages of the patronage bureaucracy. I am against an infrastructure that is falling to pieces right in front of us. I am against an education system that churns out young adults that are barely able to read or write. I am most strenuously against voting either these educators or the products of their lame efforts into any public office.
                 I am against crime running rampant but also against being afraid of our own government. I am against spending more money in other nations than we do in our own states. I am against elected officials that hide from the public behind a wall of aides and bureaucrats. I am against a government that is so big feeling that it chooses which members of the public it will share its' time and listening on. I am against what used to be called the welfare state, where the majority of the people are supported by the very state they are supposedly choosing to lead them. As if a dog could vote for which master fed it.
                 Having said all of that I want to point out that I still believe in America. I believe that we can still be the greatest nation on Earth and each state can be as great as it wants to be. West Virginia has so much potential; it has so many excellent workers, why are we not growing? What is wrong at the state and county levels that is holding us back?
                 I suggest reading the paragraphs above and then taking a look around you. Within a stone's throw you should be able to see some of those problems. Within that same distance you can also see the solutions. It is just a matter of doing it in West Virginia.
         Brother Bill
         by Evelyne McLaughlin
         Dear Brother Bill: Just a few lines with some of the latest news. I don't know if she did or didn't, but Katy Did and Katy Didn't is surely stirring up allot of noise. Mom always said that it was six weeks until bad weather after the Katy-Did's began their song. I heard the first one this year the first day of August.
         I was down to see Aunt Maycle Samples of Twistabout a few days ago. She had a birthday August lst. Don's birthday is August the 30th, so is Alyce Faye Bragg’s. Recent visitors of Chris and Alyce Faye Bragg, of Ovapa, were Mike Bragg, his granddaughter and Ronnie O'Dell of Winfield. Hugh Boggs, Jr., of Twistabout Ridge is a patient at the Laurel Nursing Home. I am sure he would appreciate a card or note from his many friends. Byrnie Wilson was in Clay recently. It was good to see him. His family, Carl Jr. and Pat Wilson moved to South Carolina several years ago.
         The Youth Group at the Blue Knob Church enjoyed a pizza party recently. Lots of folks are out doing their school shopping. It was always a delight to get our new items for school. Remember those tablets that had the movie star pictures on the front? School days at Twistabout were fun filled days. I know you got the "Big Hand" every now and then, but not me. Some quaint things about those days are: The one room school house was built high enough off the ground we could play under it. Those big foundation rocks were huge. There were words written on those rocks that were unfamiliar to a first grader. You should have seen the look on Mom's face when I spelled the words to her and asked her what they were. "WHERE did you see THAT word?" The toilet was built over the creek bank and when the creek water got up—clean toilet. After we gained another room to the school, new toilets were built. Our first cook was Oma Burdette, JR's mother. Parents would bring in bushels of potatoes, canned food and anything they thought could be used in the hot lunch program. Mrs. Ruth Harold was a very good teacher. I did not realize how good she was until I became a teacher.
         I think the hail ruined what little garden I had and my luck with setting guineas, etc., isn't much better. Mrs. Guinea came off the nest with 12 babies. They came up missing one or two a day. Last night a Night Creature finished them off. Mrs. Guinea is a mother no more. Arthur Holcomb, of Bickmore, called the other evening. He has some guineas, several different colors, so I think I'll just go buy some guineas from him. Mrs. Duck, after setting 6 weeks, produced nothing.
         Tell everyone in your neck of the woods I said "howdy" and until next time, "Help Us All to Be Brave".                                 Love, Sis

         08/06/03: Slack – Donna Wilmoth, grand larceny (07/23/03), preliminary hearing – joint motion to continue; state/victim to confer in regards to dismissal.
         08/11/03: Bailey – Dencil Pritt, breaking and entering (06/12/03), preliminary hearing continued by Def. to 09/11/03.
         08/14/03: Slack – Donna Carte, wanton endangerment, arrested.
         08/08/03: Delk – Robert Aarn Holley, petit larceny, arrested, ROB, trial 09/11; Delk – Joseph Murphy, possession of controlled substance, appeared, ROB, Def. to appear 09/05.
         08/12/03: Delk – Johnny L. Taylor, warrant issued for battery; Delk – Erika Shawn Keener, warrant issued for assault; Clay Farm Cooperative – Jerry Boggs, warrant issued for worthless check complaint.
         08/15/03: Bailey – Nathan S. Baird, DUIA under 21, appeared 08/18- Def. pled guilty, assessed fine and costs.
         08/17/03: Light – Robert Earl Stutler, possession of marijuana, appeared 08/18, ROB.
         08/18/03: IGA – Mary E. Shafer, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; King’s Trucking and Wrecker – Michael L. Holcomb, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; Connie Brown – Richard E. Sandy, warrants issued for worthless check complaints X 4; Connie Brown – Gary E. Nelson, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; Roebuck Agency – Chester E. Boggs Jr., warrant issued for worthless check complaint; J & S Grocery – Sherry Jo Mullins, warrants issued for worthless check complaints X 2.
         08/19/03: Bullard’s Exxon & Quick Stop – Gary M. Payne, warrants issued for worthless check complaints X 2; Bullard’s Exxon & Quick Stop – Jessica L. Swift, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; Clay Supermarket – Nancy Brown, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; Clay Supermarket – Regina Ranson, warrant issued for worthless check complaint; Elswick – William Lanham, fail to stop for P/O, appeared.
         08/07/03: United Bank – Henry L. White, money due, subpoena; After Hours/Alma Jarrett – Mary Hall, money due, Leslie White, money due, Joshua Thacker, money due, and Paul Dotson, money due, subpoenas.
         08/11/03: Bankers Trust Co. of Cal – James A. Myers and Judith Myers, money due, subpoenas; Jeffery Davis – Cindy Dotson, wrongful occupation; Jesse Rogers – Oscar Sizemore and Nancy Sizemore, wrongful occupation.
         08/13/03: Valley Gas Company – Rick’s Laundry and Body Shop, money due, subpoena.
         08/14/03: Marty Schoonover – John Friddie Joe Johnson, money due?, subpoena; Chilton H. Nichols/DBA Nichols Furniture – Michael W. Duffield and Beverly Duffield, breech of contract, subpoenas; Chilton H. Nichols/DBA Nichols Furniture – Don F. Stutler and Cathy J. Stutler, breech of contract, subpoenas.
         08/15/03: Clara Holcomb – Bobby Moore, money due, summons.
         08/18/03: Valley Gas Co. – Donna M. Smith, money due, The Kitchen/ Trina Ramsey, money due, Darrell Pritt and Nancy Pritt, money due, Teresa Blankenship and Tim Carte, money due, Rosetta Asal (Café), money due, Teresa Bird, money due, Eric’s Tire, money due, subpoenas; Wagner Gas Co. – Ivydale Auto & Body Repair, money due, subpoena; Beechy Gas Co. – Timothy Taylor and Stephanie Taylor, money due, subpoenas.
         Worthless Checks Notices issued –
         08/06/03: Bullard’s Exxon & Quick Stop – April K. Fitzwater X 5 (paid 08/15), Jennifer D. Grose (paid 08/15), Thomas E. Simmon (paid 08/15), Valerie Samples X 5 (paid 08/15), Arthur G. Samples II (paid 08/15), Anita S. Blankenship (paid 08/18), Frances E. Dobbins X 2 (paid 08/15); Lizemore Grocery – Deana B. Hudnall (paid 08/15).
         08/15/03: IGA – Mark R. Holcomb, Mary Sue Murdock (paid 08/20), Rosalie Keen, Dustin Tanner X2 (paid 08/18), Michael L. Holcomb, Donnie Welch, Phillip Bartsch X 2, Angela D. Gill, Jeremy J. Cummings, Regina F. Ranson, Ronnie D. Beasley, Harold L. Ramsey X 3, Deloris Berger.
         08/19/03: Bullard’s Exxon & Quick Stop – Gary M. Payne X 2, misdemeanor files opened, Jessica L. Swift, misdemeanor file opened; Clay Supermarket – Nancy Brown, misdemeanor file opened, Regina Ranson, misdemeanor file opened.
         Citation Register
         07/21/03: State Police – Linda F. Townsend, driving under the influence.
         07/30/03: State Police – Christine R. Acja, speeding; Randall A. Cottle, speeding; Stephen M. Lykins, speeding; Randall G. Weese, speeding and no POI.
         07/31/03: State Police – James E. Armstrong, speeding; Mark G. Collins, speeding; Cindy M. Faircloth, MVI, driving susp/revoked non-DUI, no POI, and registration violation; Paul E. Mount, speeding; Sanjay T. Patel, speeding; Marsha L. Tracey, speeding; Sheriff’s Dept. – April Dawn Hinkle, improper tint and defective equipment.
         08/01/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Joseph Murphy, possession of controlled substance.
         08/02/03: State Police – Bobby A. Stilwell, driving susp/revoked non-DUI and registration violation.
         08/04/03: State Police – Paul Lester Byers, speeding; Amanda M. Levesque, speeding; Chazwick W. Reckell, possession less than 15 GMS; Sheriff’s Dept. – Helen Ann White, speeding.
         08/05/03: State Police – Misty D. Winebrenner, no POI and seat belt violation.
         08/07/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Richard W. Cummings, no POI, registration violation, driving susp/revoked non-DUI, and defective equipment; State Police – Shannon L. Gibson, speeding; William H. Harding, speeding; Sam Harrold, speeding and no POI; Jamie R. Jarvis, speeding; Jeffrey M. Leon, speeding; Kiffin D. Steurer, speeding.
         08/08/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Joseph L. Moore, no POI and speeding; Samuel A. Nottingham, no POI.
         08/09/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Mary E. Stutler, MVI; Ariel J. Taylor, registration violation and MVI.
         08/10/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Christopher Blankenship, MVI; Ryan W. Reckell, registration violation and operator’s.
         08/11/03: Sheriff’s Dept. – Keith Owen Arbogast, speeding; George R. Henigin, speeding; Eric D. Meador, speeding.
         08/15/03: State Police – Nathan S. Baird, DUIA under 21; Sheriff’s Dept. – Benjamin T. Legg, speeding and registration violation.
         08/16/03: Municipal Police – Raymond Lee Brown, defective equipment.
         08/17/03: State Police – Joshua M. Rucker, speeding; Robert Earl Stutler, possession of marijuana; Municipal Police – Michael J. Rucker, failure to stop/yield.
         BOB CLARKE
         Curmudgeon’s Corner
                 The attempts to abridge personal freedom, old as time itself, and revisited by the same tired arguments courtesy of John Ashcroft, seem to be with us again. The odious Patriot Act would never have been sold to this republic had it been given the title it actually deserves. Whatever charges may be made against the hardliners it must be admitted that they are masters of diction. Diction here, carrying the old meaning of word choice. Ask a man if he is patriotic, and you put him in the same helpless position as if you asked him, Are you still beating your wife? Words have no subtle shades of meaning among the so-called neocons. To them, patriotism means the unquestioned acceptance of a superior intelligence passed down from on high. Freeze the mind, and follow orders. Here is an excerpt from a speech given long ago in a far away land.
                 …restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and associations; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.
                 There are echoes here that are disturbingly familiar and frightenly modern: a sign of the times. Did you know, for example, that there are agents in some of our intelligence agencies whose fulltime jobs are, and have been to read personal mail and to monitor telephone conversations? The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, Mr. Jefferson said, but it is doubtful that he meant the type mentioned above.
                 At this dramatic juncture you are probably consumed with curiosity about the author of that speech. Ashcroft? Clinton? Bush? Pearle? These patriots do not fit the long ago category. It is from Adolph Hitler’s 1933 speech calling for an Enabling Act for the protection of the people and the state. The Fuhrer delivered this address after the burning of the Reichstag which the Nazis actually lit themselves. Create an atmosphere of fear, and it becomes easier to assume power. No less a figure than Herman Goering admitted later the Nazi culpability. The scapegoat in this political takeover was the German Communist Party, which had had nothing to do with it.
                 Now that the immanent danger to this country from Saddam Hussein has abated: it is a little-known fact that he had been training his camels to deliver nuclear weapons to these shores, the neocons have come up with a new threat to this republic – the Democratic Party. The hardliners’ spokes creature is the screaming harpy, Ann Coulter, a leggy blonde who has become the darling of rightwing talk shows. Coulter’s weapon of choice is what students of language call the begged question. Boiled down to its basic essence, the begged question can be illustrated by such constructions as: As we all know… or Reagan won the Cold War. It’s true because I said so. Coulter’s sacred quest is to blame every catastrophe in the American political spectrum on liberals. She does not bother to define the term.
          No opportunity to attack Bill Clinton can be resisted – Clinton is even responsible for the current recession. Apparently, he is not old enough to be responsible for the Great Flood.
                 Ann Coulter’s last two books are entitled Slander and Treason. The slander of the title refers to her unsupported argument that contention from the political left that the media is dominated by conservatives is a myth. Treason is a work devoid of carefully-developed argument bordering on hysteria. Her method, or lack of it, is to weave together, shakily, a list of unsubstantiated charges. Generalizations aside, here is a list of what Coulter thinks passes as evidence. The corporate shills, masquerading as TV hosts allow comments such as these to slip by without dissent.
                 …They were rooting for al Qaida...………Liberals are traitors…………It’s universally conceded that McCarthy was right (McCarthy, for example, said that Dwight Eisenhower and General Marshall were communists) …………Some bookstores won’t stock my book. Hillary Clinton’s book got more coverage than 9/11…………Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy…………Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America.
                 It should be mentioned here that to Coulter liberal and Democrat are interchangeable. Further abuse of reason follows.
                 ……Fifty years of treason hasn’t slowed them down. (Holy grammar!)
                 Finally, the coup de grace, the mastery of political analysis that has resulted in endless appearances on conservative love-ins:
                 …the good part of being a Democrat is that you can commit crimes, sell out your base, bomb foreigners, and rape women, and the Democratic faithful will still think you’re the greatest.
                 This is the sort of dull-witted irresponsibility that has vaulted Coulter’s last two books onto The New York Times Bestseller List, a newspaper that she repeatedly accuses as the prime example of an atheistic left-wing media that really does have a vast influence over everything. From this shoddy reasoning follows the implication that the religious right doesn’t exist. Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell and their ilk are merely figments of our imagination.
                 Even at the risk of overdoing the topic, it might be suggested that the conservatives indirectly use Coulter as part of the ever-popular good cop-bad cop syndrome. Instead of calling Coulter to account for the shallowness of her assertions, a clever conservative spokesman who tempers his observations with thoughtful moderation will by contrast, sound like the voice of reason. Few public figures have been able to escape the old charge: Politics is show business for ugly people. That may be true of commentators as well, at least the right wing types.
         A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion – but doesn’t.
                                                          – George Shearing –
         Individual in crowd: Mr. Lincoln, you’re two faced. Lincoln: If I were, would I be wearing this one?
         We should be calling him Osama bin Forgotten.
                                                         – Senator Graham (Florida)
         Powell not only failed to discern the lie, (about Iraq’s WMDs) he became part of it.                         – Cynthia Tucker, Atlanta Journal Constitution
         The trouble with common sense is that it’s so common. – Robert Clarke
         They (the hardliners) came in with a world view, and they looked for things to fit into it.                 –Lawrence Kolb – Council on Foreign Relations
         Those who trade their freedom for security deserve neither. – Ben Franklin
         If you want to make sure you know what you’re talking about, talk about yourself.                                         – Alexander Woolcott
         Bush didn’t give us a tax cut: he gave us a tax shift.         – Al Sharpton
         General Tommy Franks spoke from a briefing stage that was finished just days before the war, at a cost of $250,000. It was devised by a Hollywood set designer. Well, that’s show business!
         In 1939, Leo Szilard, a Hungarian physicist, contacted Albert Einstein, an old friend and colleague, informing him that the Germans were working on nuclear weapons.
                 May the great mongoose kill your cobra.
                 Cur, Ink stained wretch
         Clay County Commission: CCC changed their meeting times to accommodate the work schedule of Commissioner Mathew Bragg. Didn’t help. CCC met in regular session Aug 11 and Bragg was nowhere to be seen. During the meeting, Commissioner Triplett made the motion to give the VFW Hall $1500 to purchase siding for their club house located at the Schoonover/Bradley Field. Motion passed. Many in the community feel the $1500 hand out will once again open the flood gate to girl and boy scout , dance team, and every other local group seeking a donation. Karen Nichols was given the green light to replace WVU Office Manager Sarah Anderson along with the nod given Misty Tanner Jones in the Assessor’s office replacing Carol Pierson Armentrout.
          Part time workers were given a 15 cent an hour increase. CCC still awaits word from the Prosecutor’s office. According to the elected ones, Prosecutor Grindo never requested funds for the 5% increase given other Courthouse workers during the last CCC meeting. During that earlier CCC meeting, the OK was given for Grindo to hire Dan Dodson as Asst Prosecutor. At that time Grindo said he needed help and needed it real quick. As of Aug 11th, Dodson had not been seen at the Courthouse. Additionally, our Prosecutor asked that Dodson be given insurance and retirement coverage since his other employer ,Braxton County, had stopped such coverage. According to Sams ( during this meeting), Braxton hadn’t stopped Dodson’s coverage and questions came up on what Grindo had meant. OK readers, all together now, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
                 Business Development Authority Chair Paige Willis has approached the State Road folks and requested the old garage at Two Run be given to the county for an industrial site. Willis said one person has expressed an interest in starting a siding and roofing business there
Clay’s BDA met Aug 7 at the Courthouse. This reporter only stayed for 30 minutes of meeting but during that time: Chair Willis felt that their lawsuit against the Clay County Bank to regain possession of the former Filcon Inc , industrial site near Ovapa may come to court Sept 23, 2003, but don’t hold your breath; Mention made that attempts are being made to secure a Cracker Barrel restaurant location near Big Otter and I-79; CAEZ’s Connie Lupardus addressed the BDA and said this county was wide open for tourism growth and development, that Clayberry has all the right assets ( Elk River, Mountains) for hunting, biking, horse back riding, ad hiking to grow dollars and businesses. Lupardus said she would be pursuing every opportunity to attract tourism from residents from DC, Maryland and North Carolina… the east Coast.
         CLAY ROANE PSD, NOT OUT OF DEBT YET the local water service provider met in regular session Aug 14 beginning at 7pm. Topics of interest covered included: Water customers are experiencing low water flow problems in the Roane County section of the service area as well as serious fire protection issues with fire hydrants not functioning. Questions came up on recent part timers hired and whether they were related to Chair Postelwait. Postelwait explained that one employee was a first cousin and the other was a 4th cousin. After hearing the statements, Boardster Whaling lodged a complaint saying that he wanted his son hired a while back and was told a nepotism policy prevents such hires. Remember when Clay Roane said they were out of debt? Not so folks.
                 PSD only had enough $ to pay $11,000 of their $24,000 debt load. The PSD remains 3 months behind paying their gasoline provider, Bullard’s Exxon. After discussing the tight finances of the PSD, discussion turned to giving employees pay raises. Chair Postelwait said she had no problem with giving raises with one exception. She felt recently reprimanded employee Bobby Burdette shouldn’t received such favor. Bringing the group back to their senses, Boardster White said raises was not in this year’s budget and concerning paying the creditors , We can’t put them off forever!
                 Almost in the same breath with the heavy debt situation and the pay raise issue, came talk to buy a new truck. During the dialogue, Postelwait said the current PSD truck is falling apart Tempering the desires to spend spend, spend, once again Larry White, We don’t have any money!.. There’s no money in the budget for a new truck… We need some figures up front!!
                 From the peanut gallery came words from the wire haired lady from Roane County. You are continually buying while we want water!!!!!!!
                 Roy Ellis was given the go ahead for new water taps on property he just sold; part time workers were cut back from 40 hours a week to 19 hours a week slowing t new connection progress; and Dale Deems was given the OK to purchase basic tools to set water taps.
                 Boardster White said he and (absent from action) Glenn Sutton were unable to sell the PSD’s building ( ole Newton Fire house) during a recent auction. They didn’t receive any bids for the property! Also, lots and lots of CAEZ equipment ( used to belong to Filcon) is still in the Newton Fire House. Clay Roane PSD passed a motion to require CAEZ to get the equipment off the PSD property or make them pay to haul it to the dump. Deadline Sept 2, 2003.
                 Remember when JD Morris received preferential treatment and got a water tap ahead of others and without paying any up front fees? Remember the court case with Melissa Postelwait leading the charge to get Morris’ water disconnected? Morris still has water service and the tap is still in the wrong location!
                 And finally from Clay Roane meeting of Aug 14th, Amma Left Hand project has NOT been advertised for bid even though enough customers have signed up for service.                                                AW
         Clayberry has one of the most active gossip lines to be found anywhere. Active but not the most accurate. Beginning around Monday Aug 11th, the rumor of bodies floating down the Elk River began to circulate. Something about a woman shooting a man, tying a rope around his head, tossing him off a bridge. The Sheriff’s office was called into action as search crews were mobilized thru Aug 14, 2003. On Wed Aug 13th helicopters were seen flying low along the Elk. Clendenin Fire Rescue teams were called to check the river for floaters. Stories of a body found, stories of a woman confessing to the murder. From the beauty shop to the food store to the beer joints the tales came and went and grew and grew.
         Scanner listeners heard the arrest of Donna Carte Aug 14th. She was charged with brandishing a deadly weapon. The incident report alledges she fired a 22 pistol at an S-10 pick up somewhere out Dille way. Locals also heard on the street that Ms Carte had admitted to shooting a man that had entered her home ( Paddy Ridge we think).
                 We checked with Sheriff Harald Fields Friday afternoon the 15th. Here’s the way the Sheriff put it all together. A group of young boys were behind local food store and thought they saw white bags floating in the river. One kid told the others that a Braxton County funeral home had ben flooded and the river flushed out several bodies in bags. A day later another youngster said he had seen a body floating in the Elk and that’s when law enforcement decided they had to get involved. Fields confirmed that he called in the air support to take a look. He also commented that the costly to do search was even more costly for the Clendenin team as they damaged a boat in the search. Mr. Fields said that the whole thing was just the imagination of some kids.
                 Having this information, we posted the truth as reported by the Sheriff on our web site That was last week.        
                 This week more gossip came. This week came the report of state crime scene boys in the county with a body turning up along the river near Hartland. Again we checked back with the Sheriff for the latest info. This time we called Fields Thursday Aug 21, 3pm. Again our chief law enforcement official reported no such crap. It was the same rumor re-circulated. As for the Carte subject saying she shot some one, Fields confirmed that she did say that . As for that ladies comments, She needs some help….. She never harmed nobody….. Some how the tale got started …She got a hold of it, the boy got a hold of it…. . There wasn’t no facts in. Hell, there wasn’t a fact one in the whole damn thing …. There is STILL no body. Rumor, that’s all it was readers.                        AW
                 I was just wondering what is up with the justice system in Clay County. They let murders go and arrest little people like people with mental problems who bum a little money. Chad Salisbury's murderer is still out running the streets doing what ever she pleases. She is free!!! Chad's kids are left with nothing
          They don't understand why this had to happen but since it did, they don't understand why the murderer is running free. Free to murder someone else. How do you feel citizens of Clay County to know that you could be next. Just because someone is doped up on drugs and feels the need to get rid of you.
                 I know one thing. I am very disappointed in the way things get handled in Clay County just because our prosecutor hasn't had time. Well, he has time to go golfing. I bet if it was his father, brother, or son who it happened to, he wouldn't be setting on his butt doing nothing. Looking to see that justice is served,
          Michelle Ramsey
         Widen News By Darlene Rogers
                 On July 3, Operation of WV (OWV) honored our town for the third year. They had a carnival at the Widen Community Center with balloons, clowns, games, face painting, puppet show, 2 on 2 basketball tournament & The Power Team, songs, and lots of good food. OWV is a mission trip consisting of three churches: North Parkersburg Baptist from Parkersburg, Valley Community Baptist from Connecticut, and Plaines Christian Missionary Alliance from Plains, Montana. Pastor Jim Adkins and his wife Jeanette are the group leaders. This group traveled, ate, lodged, and supplied all the free food and activities by DONATIONS only. If anyone wants to donate to this group send it to: Pastor Jim Adkins, P.O. Box 500, Birch River, WV 26610. Pastor Jim and his family moved from Montana at the end of July to the Birch River area. Every Sunday morning at 10AM and Sunday evening at 7PM the group is meeting at the Birch River Fire Department. Everyone is welcomed. We want to thank the group that came to Widen. They are: Janet & Mark Woof, Mitch Boggan, Cait Scudder, Mike McCotter, Landon Barnes, Ashley Glenn, Megan Kenney, Kelly McElroy, Jorlu Goruacier, Treg Bogger, Christie Green, Acacia Wagner, Kent Robbins, Owen Robbins – all from Connecticut. Kim Reviur, Savannah Joner, Alissa Adkins, Bethany Calalanelle, Roger & Sue Buyce – all from Montana. Bryan Wentworth, Tara Grimm, Cherz Sydensticker, Charla Ruble, Paula Konz, Tyler Warner, Daniel S. Pritt Jr., Mike Towner, Jon Gibson, Taylor Bryant – all from WV. Travis Powers from Illinois, Aaron Couett from Indiana, and Nate Morris from Ohio. Also Lance Ardave-Vehasque and Kayla Larkin – sorry, but I didn’t find out where these two were from. Everyone had a very good time, thanks! It is wonderful to see what being on fire for the Lord can do – children and adults traveling where the Holy Spirit leads them.
                 My children, J.D. II, Sarah, Mamie, and our neighbor Katrina Sprouse, and myself attended a meeting at the Birch River Fire Department with some of this group, and the discussion was about the blessings of meeting people all around the world - keep a world focus and not just in our area, strength in prayers, seeing other youth groups getting excited and involved with and for each other. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. Make every effort to keep in unity with one another. Do whatever it takes to keep the Holy Ghost glorified.
                 Doug Hamrick said to tell his Uncle Keith Hamrick of Widen HELLO.
                 On July 7 Direct Action Welfare Group (DAWG) Evelyn Dortch, Rita Bailey, and Jill Woodrum were at the Widen Community Center offering services from their organization to our town. DAWG is a group of current and former public assistance recipients who come together to share information and ideas, and to advocate for their neighbors and themselves. Their mission is to empower, educate and advocate by giving persons living in poverty the tools to change their lives and enabling them to have a voice in the political decisions that effect them. Anyone interested can contact the DAWG by calling 304-342-0029 or or writing to DAWG, 900 Washington Street, East, Charleston, WV 25301. The Widen Community Center said they didn’t have a need for their services here in Widen. Widen is filled with welfare recipients, the state wants them OFF of welfare, so WHY did the Widen Community Center turn their services down??
                 T.G. Griffith, representing the Birch River Water Department, was at the Widen Community Center’s July 7 monthly meeting. He said that Dille and Widen were #3 on the Abandoned Mine Land’s list for next year (2004), and that the water he proposed for us would be coming from Burnsville, WV. I told him that I was waiting on the report from Rick Proctor from the Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) and the feasibility study prepared by Terradon Corp. (P.O. Box 519, Nitro, WV 25143, phone 304-755-8291, project #205626) because I was told that the study on the water source in Widen was very feasible and could also serve Dille. Dille also has a stream of water that could be used if tested and found to be as good as Widen’s water is. Terradon Engineering’s study revealed that the options are: Scenario #1 – water source at Widen; cost per customer $279; cost per customer to AML & R $9,300. Scenario #2 – Widen/Dille – water source at Widen; cost per customer $1,291; cost per customer to AML & R $9,469. Scenario #3 – Dille extension from Birch River PSD; cost per customer $3,940; cost to customer to AML & R $13,970. These amounts do not include what other parties may contribute to the project. Based on a cost per customer basis, Scenario #1 is the most economical, the cost to Scenarios #1 and #2 is similar for them both, while Scenario #3 is the least. The study said they DO NOT recommend Scenario #3. According to the government reps, the monthly cost for Widen customers would be zero or darn near zero. How? Since the water source is up hill from Widen no pumping would be needed. The water source is already drinkable, the only treatment would be in the form of a small chlorinator facility.
                 I saw a former co-worker of mine, Henry Rogers, in Summersville. He has his own business now, building and remodeling houses. He asked to say, Hi! to his first cousin Freddie Hardway.
                 July birthdays: Delbert Summers Sr., former postmistress Brenda Rose, Julie Holmes, Darrel Holmes Jr., Brandy Carte, Olive White, Abigail Tanner, and Susie Snyder.
                 August birthdays: Charlie Shaffer Jr., Brenda Robinson, Tyler Stewart, Mamie Rogers, Larry Cobb Jr., and David Belt.
                 Some real DANGEROUS excitement the evening of July 21. One of the locals was shooting his gun in the air, then went down the road with it and threatened to shoot a neighbor. As usual, everyone came out to see what was going on. 911 was called around 10:30PM. At midnight the ambulance came and found out no one was hurt so they left. Everyone thought it was all over until right after the ambulance left when some automobiles came roaring into town. Cursing was being screamed out and threats made, and again 911 was called and told if they didn’t get the police here someone might get killed. Praise the Lord no one was hurt this time. The Big Boys showed up around 12:30AM or after and got things settled down. No citations or arrests were made that is known of yet.
                 Four and a half years ago the children and I were cleaning up some old trash dumped in the alley from years past. We shot 13 snakes. Someone called the authorities and we were fined $170 for shooting within 500 feet of a dwelling. A man shoots and whirls a gun around, and nothing is done to him that’s known of yet. Something is not right here. Is anyone else out there thinking the same thing I am? STRANGE, isn’t it?
                 Until next time may you walk in peace.
         -Director Sizemore Goes Part Time-
         Central Appalachia Empowerment Zone (CAEZ) held a Special Board meeting Aug 21 to address staffing and budget issue. With quarrel, I mean quorum in place the hour long assembly spent much of it’s time behind closed doors and away from the public’s prying eyes. Following up on their last regular meeting earlier this month where concerns were raised over Executive Director Jerry Sizemore requesting to work a reduced work week. Additional concerns were raised in early August over part time contract worker Connie Lupardus becoming an employee with a $25,000 a year salary.
         Clay County CAEZ Rep Elizabeth Sampson raised much of the concerns during the regular Board meeting and continued the efforts on the 21st. Sampson appeared to be irked at almost unnoticed changes in the budget prepared by the CAEZ Finance Committee early this Spring. Issues raised by Sampson included: how can you change from having a full time Executive Director to a part timer without Board OK; how can a part time temporary worker be taken into full time employee status without discussion and Board approval; and, if budget demands cut backs, how come employee salary outlays are increasing. On this last matter, Director Sizemore commented earlier this year, by reducing his salary to 4 days a week, the tight strapped budget could be shaved. Under closer scrutiny, Ms Sampson noticed the addition of the new employee and even after the reduction in pay and hours for Sizemore, the annual expense budget was higher.
         45 minutes into the Special meeting, the call was made to go secret and run the public as well as Sizemore, office manager Michelle Morris, and part timer Connie Lupardus out in the 95 degree heat. Didn’t work. The three and this ace cub reporter headed to Town and Country Diner’s air conditioning for the duration of Camp Secret Time. During the wait, Mr. Sizemore spoke of the need to have a team effort for anything to improve in Clayberry and and and… it sounded like, he was very firm in his plan to work part time. It sounded like Director Sizemore was saying, I’ll either work 4 days a week or they’ll find somebody else. Guess is, hard charger Liz Sampson hadn’t heard of the plan.
         Back to the meeting readers. Now back in pubic time, Sampson tried to ask for clarification on what was being voted on. Something about needing a job description in place before Connie becomes an employee. Little blue veins were starting to show on some of the Boardsters as Sampson pressed for answers , as Chair Michael Martin pushed for a vote, I have no comments.        
         With little other fan fare, the budget ( just to the left) was passed which included part time status for Sizemore ( $38,400.00, down from $48,000.00) and part time employee status for new Economic Development Coordinator Connie Lupardus ($25,000). Additionally, Office Manager Michelle Morris was given a $1000 pay raise. AW
                 Last week Kate Whitteker called this paper up with news of 25,000 pounds of food coming to the area to feed the needy. Ms Whittaker operates the non profit agency Aid for Families in Need based in Roane County. The very excited Whitaker said that the international Feed the Children Group chose her agency for the distribution of a tractor trailer load of class A non perishable groceries.
                 During the telephone interview, Ms Whiteker commented that the food would arrive Aug 19 at 10 am with the chow heading for her 9 county service area which includes Clay County. Here in this county, distributors included : We Care Club, My Brother’s Keeper, the Christian Service Center, Queen Shoals FG Church and school distributors.
                 Since then we received the following email from Aid For Families in Need dated Aug 20, 2003.
          The truck was here- 3 hours early--but we have done this so much that we anticipated their early arrival.  The food has been fabulous--Black-eyed Peas, Whole potatoes, Green Beans, Macaroni and Cheese, Pinto Beans, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy pouches, etc.  Everything that I would consider staple food items for any family.  The truck was a 53 footer with a large FTC logo on the side.  
          Even though our usual Standard operating procedure is to unload one day, load agencies the next day then load families the next day, we had 9 agencies come yesterday to make the crunch of today a little easier.
           Channel 13 was here and did a great piece for us on the 5:00 and 6:00 news.  While it was hot--very hot by the afternoon- we had a great day. 
           We had several volunteers--my husband, Bill, our daughters Rachael and Bridgett, Glenn Drake and Chris Phillips, Patti Thompson and her husband Randy, and a board member and dear friend, Charlie Mitchem.  We couldn't have done it without them!  The kids helped until very late.  They were fairly uncomplaining!  :)    Patty Thompson is a fantastic lady.  She and her husband Randy have helped us several times.  She is sweet and works so hard for us!  We appreciate their hard work and dedication to our "cause!"  Please note that the majority of our volunteers are from Clay County!  I am so proud of the collaboration and the cooperation that I am finding from the Clay County agencies and the participation of the Clay County people!
           Thanks again for your ever so present support!  See you at the CCC meeting on Monday at 10.  I am on the agenda to request another support letter from the Commissioners regarding our blanket order this year.
         Kate Whitteker.
                 An Ivydale WV resident has reached an out of court settlement in a police brutality civil case against the WV State police. According to Court documents, Calvin Bob Thorne asked for $5,000,000 in damages.
         Back in April 1999 this paper covered the 11:30pm, April 3 State Police drug bust raid on Bob Thorne’s home on Salisbury Road in Ivydale. During an interview with Thorne, we published his remembrances: He was asleep in his house when all of a sudden there was all kinds of commotion and yelling. Someone was in his house. He reached for his pistol and fired off several rounds near the intruders. After shaking the sleep from his head, the hard of hearing, 71 year old Thorne went to his front door and fired off more rounds in an attempt to scare off the intruders. Looking out his front door, he noticed police officers dressed in military garb and recognized Tpr. ML Bailey, a local state police officer. Upon seeing Bailey, he told him to Come on in, I didn’t know who it was.
         Short there after, according to Thorne, someone grabbed him, threw him off the front porch, wrestled his arms behind his back and stomped him in the head about 30 times. Translation: Thorne got the stuffins beat out of him.
         After arresting and cuffing Thorne , the Green Shirts searched the home and found bags of white powder in a basket near the kitchen area and VCR tapes of pornography. The following day Thorne was brought before the Magistrate, charged and released on bond. According to Thorne, the cops forgot to pick up the bags of white powder off the front porch and had to come back for the evidence the following day. When they arrived , Thorne’s dog had eaten much of the powder!
         Now the good stuff readers! Lab tests revealed the whole reason for the bust, the illegal drugs, were nothing more than baking powder. Needless to say, the green shirts must have been peed off real bad and pursued 4 counts of wanton endangerment against ole Bob during the November ‘99 grand jury. Didn’t stick. After Court time, Thorne was a free man again and ready to sue the pants off the Dept of Public Safety, the employer of green shirts Ronald D Arthur, Marshall L Bailey, Russell A Crane and Christopher G Wiles. He did just that and asked for a $5 million settlement for damages. With the case ready for trial before Judge Jack Alsop Aug 19 2003, a settlement was reached. The amount of the settlement has not been made public with friends in the Ivydale area saying that Thorne won’t even tell them. Hoyer, Hoyer, Smith, and Miesner represented Mr. Thorne in the civil case.
         While nosing around the courthouse last week, we ran across the statement made by Tpr. C G Wiles in reference to the ill conceived raid. Excerpts from that statement read as follows:
         Upon arrival, the undersigned officer and Sr Tpr. Bailey walked up to the front porch while Tpr. Arthur and Crane positioned themselves at the northwest end of the residence. Bailey then knocked on the front door and announced State Police in a loud tone of voice. Bailey announced this several more times at which time there was no response from inside…. Upon two unsuccessful attempts to open it, Sr. Tpr. Arthur approached the porch and kicked the front door twice… upon the front door opening, Tpr. Arthur entered the doorway followed by Tpr. Crane, the undersigned officer, and Sr Tpr. Bailey. Approximately one second later, the undersigned officer heard a gun shot and observed a flash of light which appeared to have come from a gun barrel. At that time [the officer] existed the residence in a quick manner to take cover…..
         The undersigned officer announced, State Police and to Come out with your hands up several times but the male subject inside refused to do so. The undersigned officer then heard several shots fired but was unsure of their origin…..
         The undersigned officer then heard the voice of bob Thorne say come on in. Mr. Thorne was told by all the officer present to come out with his hands up but he refused to do so. Finally Mr. Thorne stepped onto the front porch and held his left hand in a position as if he was hiding something. Mr. Thorne was advised to lay down on the ground in which he refused. Tpr. Arthur approached Thorne in an attempt to place him under arrest at which time Mr. Thorne actively resisted resulting in a brief struggle. During the struggle, MR Thorne was taken to the ground by Tpr. Arthur at which time Mr. Thorne hit his head on a wheelbarrow located on the front lawn.
         This paper looked thru three other signed statements in the court records. For the most part, all four officers reported about the same except in the details. Statements differed as to where Thorne was hog tied, whether he was pushed off the porch and the number of shots fired by officers and Thorne. Tpr. Bailey commented near the close of his statement: No other occupants were found. After clearing the scene, the undersigned officer along with Tpr. Wiles, assisted Thorne into a chair on the front porch and placed the handcuffs in the front. The undersigned officer gave Mr. Thorne a pair of pants and shirt.
Anyone can head over to Circuit Clerk Mike Asbury’s office and take a look see at the 8 inch thick court file including some pretty grizzly photos of the damage done Thorne’s head while being arrested. The normal practice for State Police attorney’s is to settle as quietly as possible and away from public spotlight so as not to reveal how much the April 1999 conduct cost the taxpayer. The guess is, 74 year old Calvin Thorne may soon be driving a new Corvette instead of that old red car and his new log cabin there may be enlarged and fully paid for shortly.